Category: Digital Marketing

The history of mixed media art

Mixed media art is a type of artwork in which multiple media are used. There is an important difference between “mixed media” artworks and “multimedia art”. Mixed media means a work of visual art that combines numerous traditionally unique visual art media. To provide an example, a work on canvas that mixes paint, ink, and […]

Mindset: A Summary

Her student challenged Dr. Carol S. Dweck to write a book on the results of years of her research study. Dr. Carol S. Dweck rose to the occasion and has written this book, “The Mindset: The New Psychology of Success and How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential” in the hope that it will […]

Best Google Website Tools in 2018

Google Analytics In this digital age, the importance of data to a business/website should never be underestimated. In fact, without proper tracking of website traffic, a business is literally lost, especially when it comes to optimizing the website and getting the most out of it. Whether your website runs in the form of a personal […]

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