The open check: given by Christ to you

The people I run into on a daily basis will hear me say “okay”. Some even suggested to me that I should write a book on the subject, since I say that a lot.

let the truth be told
The truth is that when I say “okay,” I am very aware of that open check that was given to me by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to understand the power of knowing that I have been given this check and that everything I need has been deposited into this check account.

it happened on the cross
About two thousand years ago, Jesus went to the cross to destroy everything that would have worked against us. He took our sins, sicknesses, infirmities, poverty, blindness, defeat, failure, etc… he omitted nothing, even things that may seem new today, he paid the price for that too. There is power in the cross.

The benefit
Jesus did not die on the cross for himself, he died for us. He died so that we can live a more abundant life here on earth, and also have eternal life in the world to come. We see people suffering all over the world. We feel inadequate to help them, but not everyone does. Many believers have the knowledge of what they possess, so when you see healing, miracles, signs and wonders, it is only the knowledge that cashes in that they understand about the open check.

understanding is crucial
Understanding the value of the open check, whose name is signed and to whom it was delivered, will bring faith to our hearts and joy to our souls, but only if we can see it clearly. We must be able to see it through the eyes of faith. “If you can see it, you can have it.”

Walk by faith and not by sight
We are so distracted by the things we see that sometimes it becomes difficult to affirm our faith. You know that you see with your natural eyes, but there is another way of seeing, and that is with your spiritual eyes. To understand the open check you would need to have your spiritual eyes open. The things we see with our natural eyes are temporary, but with our spiritual eyes, they are eternal. Things that are of faith are more real than what we see with our natural eyes. In fact, the spiritual is what came first, then the natural. All the things we are seeing today are the result of seeing the spiritual form, people may have other names for faith.

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