Sat. May 18th, 2024

The power of our spoken words

By admin Oct29,2021

Our words are so powerful and authoritative. We live in an age when words abound. However, it only takes a few words to leave an indelible mark on someone’s heart, for better or for worse. As King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, pointed out: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” (Proverbs 18:21)

So what does this tell us?

The words we say have the power to put a smile on someone’s face or bring tears to their eyes. We can motivate each other with words of joy, healing, and hope. Rather, we can use certain words to wreak havoc, depression, and ruin in others. Therefore, the power of words is unique and immeasurable. That is why we must choose them wisely.

“The tongue that heals is a tree of life, but a deceptive tongue breaks the spirit.” (Psalms 15: 4)

Some people have mastered the art of hurting others with hurtful words. Those who have personally experienced verbal abuse tell stories of public humiliation, name calling, criticism, teasing, and threats from the abuser. The psychological wounds caused by verbal abuse are often more difficult to heal than the physical ones. The victim’s self-esteem is destroyed when she is constantly told that she is ugly, worthless, stupid, etc. Being verbally abused can be emotionally draining for the victim. It can even take a life.

In other words, harsh words can lower our spirits, destroy our self-esteem, and discourage us. These scars can stay with us for decades and affect us in ways we could never understand.

The Apostle James, the Lord’s younger brother, understood the power of the tongue. But the human tongue cannot be tamed by any man. It is a restless and evil tongue, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord, and with it we curse the men who were created in the image of God. Blessing and cursing will come out. These things, my brethren, must not be so. “(James 3: 8-8)

So whoever said “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” was not, in James’s opinion, telling the truth.

Words spoken in anger can cause massive destruction. This means that when we are offended by someone’s words, we are filled with rage. We lose our ability to reason and, as a result, we start to behave like crazy. We scream; we break things on the wall causing incalculable damage. Sometimes people who suffer verbal abuse can develop suicidal thoughts: death and life are in the power of the tongue.

On the other hand, most of us don’t see gossip as important. However, the words from the mouth of a gossiper can cause all kinds of problems. Your words can spark conflict, tarnish reputations, break relationships, and destroy careers. Gossip is a sin, and God will condemn those who indulge in it. It spreads falsehood and, what is worse, it is quickly believed. It is not surprising that Solomon does not mince words when he says: “The wicked man stirs up discord and gossip separates close friends.” (Proverbs 16:28)

Finally, and this may surprise many of us, Jesus is delivering a shocking message about foul language. Please pay attention to this: “But I tell you that for every idle word that men speak, they will give an account of it on the Day of Judgment, because by their words they will be acquitted, and by their words they will be condemned.” ( Matthew 12:37)

By admin

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