Sun. May 5th, 2024

Take a brisk walk to be free from osteoporosis

By admin May27,2022

A growing number of bone medical experts say that adults, especially women, should walk briskly to be free from osteoporosis. This is a welcome development as bone disease is rapidly becoming common among the elderly, often among women. And with the popularity of fast food, it affects even young soda lovers.

Brisk walking is for everyone, whether you have osteoporosis or not. And it is the ideal exercise as it gives you less impact on the joints compared to running. To benefit bone health, an exercise must be impactful and weight bearing. When bones are challenged, they build up and create more bones. Brisk walking gives you impact and weight-bearing effects. So walk briskly to be free from osteoporosis.

People with osteoporosis are advised to walk briskly, especially those who have never had any exercise regimen in their life. But this must be done with the full consent and guidance of your bone specialists. It is inadvisable to jump straight into lifting weights or doing strenuous exercise if you haven’t exercised before. Brisk walking provides a smooth and gradual transition from no exercise to regular exercise.

However, brisk walking does not cure osteoporosis. You can only improve the bone mass you already have. If you have osteoporosis, brisk walking helps you maintain the bone mass you still have. It will not create bones where there has been bone loss. If you don’t have osteoporosis, brisk walking exercise is a great way to prevent it, along with proper nutrition.

Here are some tips on how to walk briskly to be free from osteoporosis:

1. Keep your body upright so that more of your body weight puts adequate pressure on your spine and legs. Also, a straight body less exhaustion.
2. Be sure to lift your body weight with your legs as you walk. Don’t drag your feet. The proper motion for walking seems to gallop.
3. Hold up a stick, about a yard long. Use it for isometric exercises for the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Hold it at both ends and simultaneously push one against the other. The right hand should push to the left while holding one end of the stick, while the left hand should also push to the right while holding the other end. Do this from time to time.
4. Jump a little from time to time.
5. Climb stairs or choose ascending paths whenever you can. This gives the bones very good weight-bearing efforts.

Brisk walking is very easy, safe and inexpensive. So start brisk walking to be free from osteoporosis.

By admin

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