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Chinese black mushroom for health, fitness, diet, weight loss and nutrition

By admin Oct27,2022

Can you find textures and flavors of fish and meat in a vegetable? Chinese Black Fungus is known for these qualities, its vital nutrients, and its valuable contributions, as a dietary supplement, to overall health and fitness. Usually obtained in dry pack form, requires washing before use.

As a health supplement

Enriching the blood and preventing iron deficiency anemia, Western medical science has found Black Fungus to be very effective in modulating blood viscosity as it inhibits platelet aggregation and thus lowers the levels blood viscosity. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) its applications include anemia, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. It also figures significantly in cancer prevention and relief.

A very common and inexpensive ingredient in Chinese cooking, it has also been recognized within traditional Chinese medicine as a medicinal food for thousands of years. Black Fungus, rich in nutrients such as iron, protein, fat, vitamins and polysaccharides, also contains vital trace elements such as potassium, selenium and manganese, essential for long-term health of the body.

The sweet and sour taste of Black Fungus is not particularly strong, however its texture is decidedly meat-like. Its presence in dishes serves rather to enhance the flavors of the main ingredients.

As a diet aid

Black Fungus is a powerful ally in the fight against obesity. While very low in calories, its meat-like texture (and flavor) when boiled makes it particularly satisfying to the appetite. It is often added to other dishes to ‘enrich’ them, to bulk up for diet/slimming purposes, as well as for its valuable nutritional content.

It’s definitely not ‘fast food’, it needs soaking and cleaning before use. Available in most Chinese supermarkets, Black Fungus is sometimes sold in Tesco branches in the city center.

‘Fat Busters’ to enjoy with him

Dieters can wash their Black Fungus with other proven Chinese slimming, weight loss and nutrition aids like Green Tea (Lu Cha) and Bojenmi Tea.

Green tea stimulates the heart, aids digestion, and provides a general “wake-up” call. By stimulating the metabolism of fats and popular for dieting and weight loss, the general detoxification of the body is also promoted by drinking green tea.

Anemia patients (and women during their menstrual period) should avoid green tea, as it somewhat inhibits iron assimilation. These should switch to Bojenmi Tea (see below) and/or consume Black Fungus to remedy iron deficiencies.

Bojenmi Cha, also known as “good health and good looking meat reducing tea”, also promotes slimming and weight loss. A blend of 12 medicinal herbs based on an ancient remedy from the Ming dynasty, this pleasant-tasting tea aids digestion, lowers cholesterol levels and has a mild laxative effect.


Both teas help remove fat deposits from the internal systems. The degreasing effects of inexpensive green tea are such that Chinese restaurants use the leftovers to wipe grease off tables at closing time.

Black Fungus, Green Tea, and Bojenmi Tea have cleansing, detoxifying, and longevity-inducing effects that encourage their inclusion in health and fitness and anti-aging dietary regimens. All three can be found in most Chinese supermarkets.

By admin

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