Sun. May 19th, 2024

Think twice before committing suicide

By admin Dec10,2022

There can be thousands of reasons that a person can give to commit suicide. And the traumatic situation that one person is going through can never be understood by the other person. People visit psychologists for consultations. And then also the mind remains contemplating the aspects of suicide. Can you think of the mother of all reasons that compel a person to commit suicide? Yes, and that is also a common human tendency. Every human being wants to have an easy solution for every depressing situation and if he still can’t get out of the situation, he tries to get rid of his life.

If we think of the simple reasons not to commit suicide, the simplest is that it is a crime. And becoming a bit mythological, we can say that life is beautiful and given by God only once. But do those reasons prevent a person from committing suicide? Not because? Because neither does life seem beautiful to him nor does it seem like a gift from the Almighty.

But there is a practical and logical reason that should be given to all those thinkers to prevent them from taking their own lives. A simple question. Have you seen life after death? What will you do if it turns out to be more disastrous than this? Will you be able to come back in this life? You are at least aware of this life, its people and your situations, but there are no clues about the cold cave you dare to enter.

If this logical reason doesn’t satisfy you, try an experiment. Live with an elderly man over 60 for a few days. You will notice that he always tries to get up early in the morning and sleep early at night.

There is a reason behind this. By this time he has understood the importance of life, be it good or bad. He slowly and gradually becomes aware of the passage of time and the proximity of his death that will separate him from this beautiful life. That is why he tries to live each day as fully as possible. So, this is my request to all those people who are contemplating suicide to think twice about getting ready to mix the beautiful body in the dust you walk on. Suicide presents only our cowardice and inability to face the tests of the almighty and the completion of it by facing all the problems successfully makes you a human being in the true sense.

By admin

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