Sun. May 5th, 2024

Powerful stun guns: The top five new kids on the block

By admin May29,2023

Not many people know this, but there are thousands of stun devices on the market today with up to 100 different manufacturers. You don’t see many being traded in this country because, frankly, they’re junk. Yes, that is a fact. There is a lot of garbage out there. So the first thing is when you see a stun tool on a website marketed in the United States, even though it was probably made in China or Taiwan, it has passed the scrutiny of an importer. That alone tells you that it is more reliable than most stun devices.

And when it comes to stun guns, reliability is something to consider. But even more important than the reliability of powerful stun guns should be your top consideration.

Stun devices are the second most popular of all self defense products in the world today. There aren’t many law enforcement officers, for example, who don’t carry some kind of stun device.

When it comes to your personal safety and your own defense or the self-defense of your loved ones, stun weapons offer a non-lethal alternative to deadly force. They use high voltage and low amperage to incapacitate an assailant for 5 to 10 minutes. The other popular stun device called a taser uses relatively low voltage and high amperage to create a stronger incapacitating effect.

Eighty years ago, when stun devices were first invented, a 10,000 volt product was enough to move cattle. But today it seems that the average voltage of the stun product is in the range of 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 volts.

We’ve rounded up five of the most powerful stun guns for your consideration.

1. The first is a King Cobra that puts out a whopping 5.8 million volts. It is 6 inches long, roomy enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It is fully rechargeable, saving you money on battery costs. It has a four-year warranty.

2. Next up is the Enforcer at 5,000,000 volts. He’s just 4 1/2 inches long and just under 5 ounces, making him light enough to slip into your pocket or purse.

3. The Stun Gun Simulator is one of the most popular stun devices in the world. That’s 4 1/2 million volts in a package that looks exactly like a cell phone with a camera, giving you the added bonus of surprise for an assailant. It has a lifetime warranty and two levels of built-in security to prevent accidental downloads.

4. The runt stun gun is a 4.5 million volt rechargeable device with a lifetime warranty. It is so small that it can be mistaken for a mobile device when worn on a belt.

5. And the multi-function stun gun is the most versatile stun gun in the world. It’s also 4.5 million volts and has a super-bright flashlight, red emergency flashers, alarm, and a popular deactivation pin bracelet.

If you’re looking for powerful stun guns, one of these five has your name all over it.

By admin

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