Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Nutrition and Exercise Tips for Permanent Weight Loss with Maximum Results

By admin May29,2023

The biggest weight loss problem we have today is not weight loss. The problem is maintaining the weight permanently. The reason most people gain the weight back is that they look for shortcuts, they expect it to be easy and fast. The mainstream media continues to report stories of incredible and fast weight loss, so most people automatically think that this is how it’s supposed to be. I have a couple of easy but very effective tips for anyone who wants to get rid of extra weight. So here we go.

1. Take it easy at first.

The biggest problem when people start out with a fitness plan is that they are too ambitious. So they lose motivation, when the goals are not achieved quickly. Two days a week of 20 minutes of low-intensity cardio and two days a week of 30 minutes of light resistance training are good places to start. If you think you could lose motivation easily, find a personal trainer to keep you motivated.

2. Heart rate during cardiovascular exercise.

When you want to lose fat, your heart rate should not exceed 50%-70% of your maximum heart rate. An easy way how you can calculate your max. heart rate is 220 minus your age. When you exceed 70% of your heart rate, your body stops using body fat for energy and starts using glucose metabolism. Your trainer can provide you with a simple heart rate monitor, so you can monitor your heart rate.

3. Focus on working the larger muscle groups.

If you want to lose weight with resistance training (weights or machines), focus on the larger muscle groups. Legs, back and chest for men. Women should pay attention to their legs and back. The best exercise for the legs are squats and lunges. The best exercise for the back is the seated row and for the chest the bench press. And again ask your coach for advice and assistance.

4. Stretching is very important.

Stretching improves flexibility, blood flow, muscle recovery, and lower back pain. Stretching can prevent injuries, make you sleep better, and improve your performance in all sports. It’s important to warm up your muscles before stretching with some cardio exercises, so you don’t stretch cold muscles. Your personal trainer will help you with your stretches.

5. Eat fewer carbs.

Most of us no longer engage in manual labor and are not very active throughout the day. That is why we should not consume as many carbohydrates as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and sugary drinks. Most of our carbohydrates should come from fruits and vegetables. And those with high water content, such as cucumbers, grapefruit, tomatoes, melons, strawberries, and even vegetable soups.

6. Through the fried foods far now.

French fries, French fries, onion rings, breaded chicken strips, and all other fried junk are packed with saturated fat and calories, and contain next to zero nutritional value. If you want to lose weight, then these foods have to go in the trash, because that’s what they are. Have you already done that? Excellent! If not, do it now.

7. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast is and always will be the most important meal of the day for everyone. For those who want to lose weight and for those who don’t. Breakfast should contain complete proteins and complex carbohydrates. Also eat most of your complex carbs at breakfast and lunch and only eat plant carbs at dinner. For example, try oatmeal with a little honey and banana and a protein drink or Healthy Choice Turkey Sausage Scrambled Egg Whites.

8. Drink plenty of water and eat regularly throughout the day.

More than 75% of your body is water, so drinking water is very important. The recommended amount is approximately eight glasses a day. When you don’t drink enough water and you drink too much coffee, tea, and soft drinks, then you will become dehydrated. That can cause blood flow and digestive problems.

Overly restrictive diets will make you lose weight quickly in the short term, because most of it is water and muscle. When you’re on a crash diet, your body goes into starvation mode and switches to a protective mode by storing fat. So your body fat stays the same and you lose muscle and the loss of muscle will slow down your metabolism. The slower your metabolism, the less fat you burn.

By admin

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