Sun. May 5th, 2024

Zhan Zhuang – 5 Standing Meditation Exercises for Health and Martial Arts

By admin May29,2023

Zhan zhuang translates to “stand like a tree” and is an ancient Chinese practice for cultivating internal energy. Originally used to develop the minds and spirits of martial artists, it was also found to be profoundly beneficial for general health and well-being, and a wonderful relaxation aid. Today, zhan zhuang is used by practitioners of Chinese martial arts as well as by people who want to dissolve the stress of 21st century life.

One of the best known teachers of zhan zhuang is Master Lam Kam Chuen. He teaches a wide range of qigong practices, allowing the absolute beginner to benefit from simple standing meditation exercises. The following five techniques form the basis of zhan zhuang and can be used daily to relax the body and mind.

First Stance – Wu Ji

All zhan zhuang exercises begin with this important pose, designed to relax and prepare the body and mind. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms hanging at your sides. Relax your shoulders and neck, holding your head as if it were suspended from above. Keep your knees relaxed and unlocked, and tuck your bottom in; don’t let your belly or butt stick out during practice. Breathe deeply and gently, inhaling and exhaling through your nose. The mouth should be closed but not tight. Continue to hold this position and let your mind wander through your body looking for tension. Whenever you encounter tension, consciously relax that part and continue. Practice this until you can easily do it for five minutes.

Second Stance – Holding the Ball

This position and the following ones must be practiced with the same mental serenity, with the head feeling slightly supported from above and with all the limbs heavy but relaxed. The second stance is called “holding the ball” and involves raising your arms in front of your body so that your hands are at chest level with your wrists shoulder-width apart, palms facing your chest, fingers relaxed and elbows sunk. under the hands. Hold this pose for five minutes while going through the same mental list, seeking and releasing any tension.

Third Posture – Holding Your Belly

For this exercise imagine that you have a huge belly. Raise arms from Wu Ji Starting Pose so they are level with abdomen, palms open and relaxed, fingers gently spread. Sink the weight down slightly (about two inches) by bending your knees. Relax your arms, making a long, wide arc from each shoulder, down the arms to the hands. The fingers of each hand should point towards the opposite knee. It should feel like you are lightly supporting that huge belly. As your practice continues over time and your stamina grows, you should aim to hold positions for longer periods of time.

Fourth posture – Standing in a stream

Sink your weight from the Wu Ji position about four inches and imagine that you are standing in a stream that is flowing towards you. Extend your hands to either side, palms down at waist level. Imagine little balls under your palms and the flow of the current trying to wash them away; mentally prevent this by gently pressing down on them. Do not allow the shoulders to rise or tense during this exercise. Allow your mind to find and release any tension, and hold the pose for five minutes to start, then gradually increase your practice time.

Fifth Stance – Holding the Ball in Front of Your Face

This is by far the most challenging exercise. From the Wu Ji position, sink his weight as low as he can, but don’t let his knees go past his toes. Raise your arms so that your hands are shoulder-width apart and face-level apart, palms facing forward. You should imagine a ball in front of your face and you are gently guiding it forward. Do not allow any tension in your arms. Keep your back straight and do not lean forward. You may only be able to hold this position for short periods of time to start, but persistence will pay dividends. Try to hold out for up to five minutes.

Once you’ve built up your stamina and can perform all five poses without creating any stress on your body, you can move on to the full cycle: hold each pose for five minutes, starting from First Posture, then Second, then Fifth, then Fourth. , then Third, and finally finishing with another five minutes in First Posture.

Zhan Zhuang is a wonderful form of low-impact cardio, and if you stick with it, you’ll find that, in the words of Lam Kam Chuen, you can sit still and get fit!

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