Wed. May 15th, 2024

2nd Grade American History Homeschool Curriculum

By admin Sep21,2023

2nd Grade American History

If you are looking for a 2nd grade homeschool american history to help your child learn about the early history of our country, you’ll want to look at this curriculum from Veritas Press. It’s an all-in-one curriculum that also includes science, art, and geography woven in with the history. This is a great option for families who are looking for a less overwhelming approach to schooling since it doesn’t require day to day laborious lesson plans.

Each lesson is organized by time period starting with the discovery period and going through 1837 in book 1. There are then two books covering National Development, Civil War, and National Expansion. This curriculum is a good fit for families who want to follow a Charlotte Mason philosophy and allow their children to explore their own rabbit trails of interest while studying history.

While this is a history curriculum, it does include art, music, literature and geography in the lessons. The book based program is designed to be used in conjunction with other resources like primary documents, video and audio recordings, maps, and hands-on projects. It is recommended that you purchase the student textbook as well as a teacher’s manual for additional information. The textbook itself is a very easy-to-read book that is filled with lots of color pictures and historical artifacts. It is also written in a story format that will help your children associate what could be abstract ideas with real people and events.

2nd Grade American History Homeschool Curriculum

In addition to the main text, this curriculum has activity pages and discussion questions as well as a variety of other activities. These can include making crafts, baking recipes from the time period studied, finding places on a map, writing topics, and reading supplemental literature or classics. There are also memory verses fro the Bible and even songs that go with each lesson.

One of the best things about this curriculum is that it’s a Charlotte Mason style program so you can use it with multiple kids at once. It is also a great choice for families who prefer to use living books to teach their children history. This is a full history curriculum that teaches the history of the United States from a Christian worldview.

This is a non-traditional history curriculum that uses books that are in the public domain to teach about America’s history. Each lesson is broken down into different time periods starting with Three Worlds Meet (beginning to 1620) and ending with Contemporary United States (1968 – today). The lesson plan focuses on the geography, economics, music, art, literature, and culture of each time period.

The lessons are written in an easy-to-read book and provide an overview of the major events that took place in each period of American history. There is also a list of recommended readings for each lesson as well as a map and timeline for each time period. This is a great homeschool history curriculum for students who prefer to work at their own pace and are unable to read large textbooks.

By admin

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