Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Vinith’s Blogs

By admin Sep10,2021

Google AdWords is an online advertising service from Google to help advertisers or marketers reach customers, where advertisers want to pay for the ads they show ads, products, services and video content with the Google network to web users.

Today many customers search on Google for what advertisers offer with which only they visit their website or perform some actions or conversions.

The Google AdWords system enables a budget and a bit (price) for advertisers, they pay ads for each user click. Advertising services are heavily focused on keywords.

Different types of ad format such as text-based search, display, search network display, YouTube video, and mobile app. You have many ways to reach your target customer with AdWords.

Text-based ads from the search network, When the web user searches Google for the relevant products and services offered. The list of ads that appear above the organic list is called search ads. For example, when a user searches for “Food restaurant” with that relative, ads will be displayed in the results. It has three parts: title1, title2, display URL, and description text.

Ads on the Display NetworkWhen a user visits some websites or a blog, they see ads in many different places on the page and in different measures, such as an image, it is called display ads. Millions of websites are available on the Internet, advertisers can choose to display their ads in different formats to reach audiences around the world using a wide variety of targeting methods.

Search Network display, Your ads may appear when people search for terms in Google search and search partner sites that match your keywords. They can also appear on relevant pages on the web on the Google Display Network. With image, gif image or some animation effects, the ads will be displayed.

Video adsWhether you’re targeting travel, food, music, or anything else, you can choose your target audience based on demographics, interests, topics, and locations. When you have a YouTube channel, create a video and upload it to your account and then use the AdWords campaign to start your ad to upload related videos or videos. Video ad formats include TrueView in-stream ads, TrueView video discovery ads, and ad bumpers.

App Ads, Universal App Campaigns help you promote your app on Search, Play Store, YouTube, Gmail, and the Google Display Network. TO launch the app, enter your ad text and placements. Google will design and create personalized ads and make some changes later.

Shopping Ads, Before you start buying ads, you must have Google Merchant Center accounts. By linking your Google AdWords and Merchant Center accounts, you can show your products directly to users through Shopping ads. Shopping ads include detailed product information, such as the product image, price, and merchant name, and use data attributes from the product information.

By admin

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