Tue. May 14th, 2024

Web Marketing Strategy Number 9: Social Media For Your Home Internet Business Opportunity

By admin Oct5,2021

Social media as a web marketing strategy is all about building trust and relationships with your potential business partners. Social media is a great vehicle that allows your prospects the opportunity to get to know you on a personal level without any sales pressure. Potential business partners have the opportunity to observe you without feeling compelled to join your internet business opportunity from home. YouTube has all kinds of videos that can be viewed, but surprisingly, it doesn’t require producing a perfect video. The viewer’s desire to connect with you on a personal level far exceeds perfection in actual video.

As I write this post, there are two social media sites in the Top 10 on Alexa, Facebook (# 2) and YouTube (# 4). MySpace (# 12) and Twitter (# 15) have slowly slipped out of the Top 10, which justifies the question: is social media a fad? The large number of people who use social media on a daily basis suggests that it is not a fad. Facebook is a great way to generate leads for your internet business opportunity from home. YouTube is a great way to integrate videos into your web marketing strategies.

YouTube is a great medium where potential business partners have the opportunity to see you as a person. The video should be a natural video where perfection is not necessary. Your partners are looking for an expert who has a similar background and looks like them to some degree. Facebook allows your potential business partners to see you as an individual with the groups you are associated with, your profile, friends, etc. Social media allows them to observe you and your actions from afar without having to commit to your internet business opportunity from home.

The web marketing strategy that you use social media is very necessary to take your internet business opportunity from home to the next level. When I sold a door-to-door home care system many years ago, the product I sold was great, but until my potential customer trusted me, no sales were ever made. I had very little time in the sales process for them to buy my product. I had one chance and no other chance to make the sale. The advantages of the Internet give you the opportunity to attract potential business partners for an indefinite period of time.

By admin

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