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15 things children want from their parents

By admin Sep7,2021

15 things children want from their parents

Although it may seem like it, children are not too complicated. Very few things are asked of us in their early years; however, these requests are essential to help them grow into caring and respectful additions to society.

As parents, there are 15 top things kids will want from you as much as possible. If you can do your best to provide these things to the best of your ability, your child’s future will be brighter than ever.

Here are the top 15 things kids want from their parents:

1. good night

Going to bed is so much better when parents spend quality time with their children. Take time out of your day to tuck them in, sing a song, or read a bedtime story to them.

If you don’t have any books, you might consider making up a story yourself or telling them about your childhood. Children are also very receptive to parents using their imaginations!

2. Affection

Showing affection is one of the essential experiences that children have as they grow up. Parents should always remember to give lots of praise, hugs, and love, even after a long day.

Even a friendly one-on-one conversation can go a long way for a child who wants to be heard. Spend some time asking your child about his day and what he enjoyed the most.

3. Private time

Having a good connection with your children means giving them your full attention, as much as you can. Children will benefit from feeling that their time is valued, especially if it is planned and not rushed.

With more than one child, it is essential that each one spends their time with you. It’s hard to connect when things are busy and noisy, so let them choose a place and activity that they can enjoy together.

4. Positive food advocates

Many kids are picky eaters, but that’s no reason to throw in the towel and serve pizza every night. Children need to learn that healthy foods can also be delicious and satisfying, and that starts at home, in the kitchen.

Work on meals together or even help them grow some vegetables in the garden. Children must learn early on that dessert is not the only delicious food, so they are set for long-term success.

5. Plans to wait

Show your kids that you love hanging out with them and provide them with fun things to look forward to with you. You can plan fun events on the weekend or surprise them with activities Monday through Friday if they have been good.

If you show your children that you are excited about quality time, they will feel good about themselves and their relationship with you.

6. Bedtime conversations

Bedtime means relaxing, but it’s also a good time to take advantage of beneficial conversations. Make time before bed to talk about your day, your friends, or whatever else comes to mind.

Let them lead the conversation; children like to feel heard.

7. Time to play outside

Studies have shown how beneficial and vital outdoor play can be for children. Not just kids, either; People of all ages benefit from being outdoors!

Encourage children to stay away from screens and televisions and instead explore the outside world. Let them spend as much time as they want outside, whether it’s playing, going for a walk, or socializing with neighborhood kids.

8. It’s time to watch your favorite show

The only thing better than watching your favorite show is watching it with a loved one! Grab a blanket and settle in for a good hug while your child enjoys his favorite shows.

You can let this be a quiet time or you can ask questions to get them involved.

9. Discipline when necessary

Children need guidance when it comes to learning about appropriate behaviors and responses. Showing discipline may not be a parent’s favorite activity, but it does teach children that you are interested in them and want the best for them.

Even if they don’t show it, children find value in being disciplined.

10. Leave special messages

Surprises are always nice, even if it’s a little note or a “just because” gift. Consider putting notes in your child’s lunch box or backpack, especially if he’s having a tough day.

Having that little jolt of happiness is always lovely when it’s unexpected.

11. Be silly

Sometimes children seek approval to be stupid, but the best way to give them permission is for the parents to be stupid too.

Playing dress-up with your children and acting out stories will help them come out of their shell and work on their imaginations. Children can be tremendously creative when they don’t feel like they have to hold back or act a certain way.

Surprise them with costumes, crafts, or a pillow fight! The options are endless.

12. Be less stressed

Surprisingly, children are very observant and receptive. They will often notice when their parents are stressed or upset, and that takes its toll on them too.

Many children want to see their parents happy and relaxed, which in turn makes them feel more positive as well. Regardless of what bothers you, try to keep things simple.

If you’re short on time, don’t feel bad about ordering dinner. If the house is messy, invite your kids to help you get things done faster. Don’t let anything take longer than it should; work together now, play together later.

13. Game dates

Adult time is fun, but it can also be beneficial for everyone to have play dates with other parents. Children can socialize together or they can hang out with adults and get comfortable with their friends.

14. Orientation

Children don’t have all the answers; in fact, adults don’t have them all either! However, children will look to their parents for guidance in all sorts of situations.

They may seek you out when they meet a stranger, are faced with a new experience, or are unsure how to express their feelings. If you have established a level of trust in your relationship, your child will feel secure enough that you guide him in the right direction.

15. Approval

Parents sometimes don’t realize it, but their kids always seek their approval for all kinds of things. More than anything, they want to make their parents proud!

Be on the lookout for opportunities to defend them, even if it’s the smallest achievement. Doing so can increase your self-confidence and your willingness to try new things.

Essential things to keep in mind

Parenting is difficult and it is not always possible to cover all of these things every day. However, keep these 15 things kids want from their parents in mind and practice them as often as you can.

They will help you build a strong relationship with your children and encourage them to become successful young adults.

By admin

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