Mon. May 20th, 2024

DermaSOLVE Review: The Psoriasis Cream You’ve Been Looking For

By admin May18,2022

If you haven’t heard of DermaSOLVE yet, you probably haven’t been listening! This cream has caused a sensation in the psoriasis community and has been featured in over 300 popular media outlets including US Weekly, OK! Magazine, Rolling Stone, Life & Style and SPIN! We’re here to find out why everyone is so excited about this and if it’s all hot air and no substance.

New creams and lotions are a dime a dozen when it comes to psoriasis. They appear on shelves almost weekly, touting their “new and improved” ingredients. Is DermaSOLVE different compared to them? Find out below!

What makes DermaSOLVE so special?

The first thing that makes DermaSOLVE really stand out from the crowd is the use of Ovasome® technology. This is a proprietary process used to incorporate whole eggs into their products. Yes, the same ones you make scrambled, fried, and poached eggs with!

An egg is an incredible thing. One of them has more than 70 different vitamins, minerals and proteins inside. In fact, it has everything a chick needs until it hatches. All that nutritional content also works wonders for the skin.

But before you run to your kitchen and try to rub raw eggs on your skin, read on! The molecular structure of the egg is too large for it to penetrate the skin, so you’ll only be wasting an egg if you try to massage it. This is where the Ovasome® technology comes in, as it is used to break down the egg into a smaller size while retaining the benefits of the whole egg.

You may be thinking: how can an egg help psoriasis? Well, that’s an excellent question. The answer is that it is used in combination with the second thing that makes DermaSOLVE so effective for psoriasis: the use of salicylic acid as the active ingredient. While the salicylic acid is used to exfoliate dead cell buildup, the nutritional content of the egg helps rejuvenate the skin below!

This means that DermaSOLVE not only removes the dry plaques that are symptomatic of psoriasis, but also treats the red, irritated areas beneath them. It’s a great combination that’s working for a lot of people based on our research. Not only that, but since DermaSOLVE is so gentle on the skin, it can be used on sensitive areas, including the face and down there!

By admin

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