Sat. May 11th, 2024

Potty train your child in three days!

By admin Aug7,2022

Three-day potty training might sound like a dream or a trick, right? The idea that your child can get comfortable on the potty and learn how to use it in just three days may seem incredible. But believe it or not, it works! Just keep in mind that the course from introducing your child to the potty to using it in just three days is bound to be no easy one. Be prepared for some bumps along the way and never get discouraged! Here are some ways to get your child ready in just three days.

Are you and your child ready for potty training?

This is something very important to consider for the training to be successful. As a parent, it requires you to be committed, focused, and dedicated. In addition to that, it also gives you the most crucial and difficult task, and that is to decide whether your child is ready for potty training or not.

As for your child, you can tell he’s ready for potty training when he knows the basic terms used in potty training, like pee, poop, and the like. Also when he/she can understand and follow simple instructions like going to the bathroom or telling you when he/she needs to go to the bathroom. You can also tell that your son is ready when he can stay dry for a while, shows interest in using the bathroom, and is already aware of her body’s functions.

When you see that everything is in place, you should already prepare the things that you are going to use in the three-day potty training. You should have a potty chair, a reward every time your child accomplishes something, and of course, a game plan for how your child will get things done!

In the first day

Make your son go naked! You have to spend the day taking turns watching your child, looking for signs that he needs to urinate or have a bowel movement. When he does, take him to the nearest potty. To increase the chance that your child will feel the need to urinate, have him eat salty snacks or foods that are high in water content and drink plenty of fluids.

Surely, since it is only your child’s first day of training, there will be many accidents. Make sure you don’t overreact, as this could put pressure on your child and derail the entire process. But if your child achieves something, never forget to reward him, it will keep him motivated!

On the second day

Follow and continue the instructions you did on day one, only this time, you can hang out together for an hour or two in the afternoon. Wait until your child urinates in the potty and then get out immediately. He wants to associate the potty with leaving the house, like if he uses it, he can go out. In this way, you are training your child to urinate on command.

When you go out, don’t make your child wear diapers or underwear, just loose pants. This works for your goal, which is to get home accident-free, but be sure to bring extra clothing in case an accident does occur.

On the third day

Again, go ahead and continue what you did on day one and two, but on this day you can go out in the morning and afternoon, even for just an hour. Don’t forget to make your child urinate in the potty before you leave.

After that, expect your child to usually go to the bathroom by himself when he feels the need to, or tells you he needs to. But to seal the deal, some follow-ups need to be done. For example, for the next three months, have your child go home naked. Let her wear loose pants and nothing underneath, even when she’s at school or outside. After three months, with no or at least fewer accidents, you can have your child wear underwear and never wear diapers again!

When your child doesn’t get used to using the three-day potty training, wait until six to eight weeks and try again. Keep in mind that using this quick potty training method doesn’t mean your child will be perfectly potty trained in days. Instead, with this, you will most likely succeed and be in a good position.

By admin

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