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Quit Smoking – Stop Addiction – Free Report on Quitting Smoking and Drug Abuse Relief – Naturally

By admin Jun1,2022

For smoking and drug addictions:

Physical drug dependency is usually only 20% of your problem; the other 80% is psychological in nature and you need to commit to be successful in your endeavor.

For food addictions:

Eating addiction has similarities to drug addictions. You can’t get past a certain type of food without taking a bite! That eating makes you feel good and that’s why you keep nibbling.

To relieve stress:

Stress is a huge problem for a large percentage of the world’s population. Many of us are using chemicals to deal with stress.

Quitting smoking, drug abuse or any addiction is the best thing you can do to improve your health and lifestyle with immediate benefits.


Those who are ready to quit smoking:

• Committed to quitting smoking or drug abuse.

•No longer enjoys smoking/drugs

•Feeling the harmful health effects caused by smoking/drug abuse

•You want to be free from nicotine/drug addiction

•Tried several times without success, but ready to try again

• Your doctor told you to stop and take it seriously.

Those who are not ready to quit smoking:

• Still enjoy smoking/drugs – Remember, once you start to feel the negative effects of nicotine/drugs in your body, it may already be too late

• Under 30: You still have a very active social life and believe that smoking or drugs can’t hurt you, only to regret it later in life.

•Emotionally affected and under great stress: learn to deal with emotions and stress and then quit smoking/drugs.


This method provides relief for all kinds of addictions. We use the smoking cessation program to show you how to use this method to relieve addiction. Apply the same principles for other forms of addiction relief.

To successfully quit smoking, you need to understand how the addiction to smoke took over your body and mind. To quit smoking, you need to address both the physical and psychological problems of quitting smoking.

The physical issue has to do with the chemistry of the body that has been affected by the nicotine or addictive substance. The psychological problem has to do with the mind: that’s what you think and what the mind tries to make you believe about your addiction.

How does nicotine affect body chemistry? A long time ago, for some of us, many decades ago, when we started smoking, when we inhale the smoke, the nicotine from cigarettes enters our blood and interferes with the functioning of the

glans of the hypothalamus. This glans is also known as the “addiction” glans. All addictions have something in common with this glans.

When you light a cigarette and inhale the smoke, within seconds, along with the oxygen, the nicotine is transferred to your blood. Through the circulation, nicotine reaches the hypothalamus gland and stimulates it; this stimulation causes the release of endorphins, which are also known as “happiness hormones”. As you smoke the cigarette, these happy hormones will be released and you will experience a sense of well-being, pleasure, and fresh thinking.

The moment you put out the cigarette, the level of nicotine in your blood drops and the release of “happy hormones” stops. Soon after, the hormone count also drops to such a level that the body begins to feel

“not so good,” and you start to crave another cigarette. Very quickly the mind realizes that if the body doesn’t feel good, light up a cigarette and the “happy hormones” will make the body feel good again. That’s exactly where addiction comes in: if you’re not feeling well, just light up a cigarette and you’ll feel better.

So between the mind and the body, the addiction stems from the fact that the mind keeps instructing the body to pump nicotine into the blood so you can feel better. A very unpleasant and extremely dangerous situation. The craving for nicotine is so strong that you don’t feel the deterioration of your health due to the thousands of chemicals you are “injecting”. These chemicals cause all kinds of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, coughs, allergies, cancer, poor eating habits, emphysema, ulcers, cavities, skin problems, premature aging and many more, the list is too long.

And to think, all the way nicotine addiction is so strong that you don’t realize (or rather don’t want to) realize that it is smoking that causes all these diseases almost without exception. Once you light it, more than 4,000 chemicals are released, most of which you inhale with very dangerous consequences.

Is the power of the mind controlling the body? To illustrate this, let’s look at some examples.

•When you get on a plane to Europe or some other distant destination, do you know that you can’t smoke on the plane and you don’t have any problem with that? Real? Yes, it is the mind that tells the body that it is not going to get nicotine and the body is quite happy with that decision.

•Some religions require that you not smoke during fast times, and yes, you can easily manage that.

•When you are hospitalized (heart attack or operation, cancer treatment, lung problems) for some reason or another, sometimes you don’t smoke for several days, and you face it.

•When a woman becomes pregnant, she stops smoking immediately for 9 months. Yes, I had numerous clients who told me that they had quit smoking during their pregnancy.

To successfully quit smoking, you must address both the physical craving for nicotine and the psychological aspects of quitting. With our smoking cessation method, you yourself will apply the therapy that will reduce the craving for nicotine to such an extent that you will be able to overcome the psychological “addiction” much more easily.


You use the stimulator on all 29 points as indicated in the instruction manual. The points are often called energy points, meridians, and acupuncture points. The stimulator is safe to use, does not pierce the skin at all, and does not require you to take prescription drugs or chemical preparations. By stimulating these points with our specially designed instrument, you will find that the body no longer needs the nicotine. Cigarettes will taste bad and you will feel good without smoking. This positive feeling without the use of nicotine will now help you in your psychological war against smoking.

Example of points to stimulate

Point 1: in the middle of the triangle of soft meat between the thumb and forefinger

Points 2 and 3 – on the meridian lines at the joint between the hand and the arm

You will repeat the stimulation of all 29 points within 24 hours or as soon as the urge to smoke becomes unbearable. It takes up to 72 hours for the body to get rid of nicotine. During this time you can repeat the stimulation every 12 hours if necessary. Thereafter, you can repeat the stimulation as needed. Be sure to take the instrument with you on long trips.

By admin

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