Wed. May 8th, 2024

the miracle machine

By admin Jun26,2022

Our subconscious mind is the miracle machine, especially when we know how to program it and have the patience to do it. With that said, I start this article. Sure, I could say a lot in this article, but I’ll start with this: Ninety percent of our minds are in that subconscious operating factor, and we only use ten percent or less of what is obvious or conscious. Our conscious minds are like the house on the hill that is dimly lit, and our subconscious is the rest of the universe around that little house.

Living in that little house with the rest of the universe operating around us is as it seems and as it is. In fact, however, hypnosis and metaphysics are genuinely exploring that universe around us in many ways outside of that limited arc of conscious operation or dimly lit little house on the hill that I just described as the content of our conscious minds. .

So think about this fact, our little dark lives compared to all of existence are just a drop in the bucket compared to all of consciousness and reality out there. However, our minds seem to be open, they are always closed to something until they are genuinely open to possibility. Reality is more than just something we live in, it is everything that exists down to fleeting thoughts and fantasies that seem to come and go.

Can I just say this? There is more.

Sure, it may sound as ridiculous as Edgar Allan Poe getting drunk and yelling “Lenore, Lenore!” in The Poetry of the Raven without knowing the context of what he was shouting, and the ancient Greek philosopher Aristocles-Plato said that poetry is divine madness without full awareness of the realities that are set forth in the verse. Although we must realistically open our minds and fully understand contexts to understand anything, because miracles are everywhere if we genuinely seek them down to atoms, molecules, and particles that are ever-changing energy with unchanging fact. everything that exists is the same material energy.

So I end with the genuine and real miracle of reality and being: Everything begins as a thought and ends ace reality. Sure, I may sound worse than the George Harrison song on the Beatles album “Within You, Without You” by “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” in this article, though I intend to sound as coherent as George Frederic Handel’s “Messiah.” , but you do it. I have to admit that the reality of life consciousness is the ultimate miracle.

By admin

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