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Warrior to Goddess – How to Transform the Feminine

By admin Nov1,2021

There are many types of women in our society, but the one who cries out the loudest for healing is the Wounded Warrior. You long to transform into the Goddess, even if you don’t use those words to describe your longing.

Who is the wounded warrior?

The wounded warrior is powerful, independent, self-reliant, and successful, because you have to be. However, he suffers all the responsibility and obligation that his role entails. You are the only one who can get things done and get things done quickly and perfectly enough.

You are bitter (inwardly at least) towards men, whom you think get all the breaks, but who do little of the actual work. You see men as the weaker sex, responding emotionally and acting illogically, when they act. Long ago, you let go of the fantasy of a knight in shining armor or a prince charming.

You respect other warriors, but do not tolerate “weaker” women who do not carry the warrior’s sword. You are, or were, a good wife and a good mother, protecting and supporting your family. However, you express even these roles through the posture of a warrior.

You are tired of fighting. You displayed your battle wounds with pride in the past, but now you are bored with conquest. Your armor is heavy and you yearn to take it off forever. You long for the Goddess within you; however, he believes that he could not survive without his warrior’s sword. Let me introduce you to the power of the Goddess.

Who is the Goddess?

The Goddess is quite simple: the embodiment of the Divine in a female body. He is discerning and acts with integrity. It has a core of unshakable inner peace. The Goddess radiates an energy that is so powerfully beautiful, loving, and gentle, that others are drawn to her like a magnet.

He may have once been a wounded warrior, but he has healed his wounds. She has released anger, pain, fear, guilt, and judgment. You have given up the feelings of betrayal and abandonment. She has replaced those low vibrational emotions with compassion and joy. She has transformed her limiting beliefs, attitudes, and thought patterns into a loving allowance for everyone to be who they are. She has no need to change anyone, because she sees the Divine in all beings. She understands that any attack is simply a display of fear. You remember fear and yet you know how to neutralize it with your limitless flow of love.

The wounded warrior and the goddess: two powerful female archetypes. One tired and hurt; one radiant and healed. How was the warrior injured? And how can she transform into the Goddess? To answer these questions, you must first understand how energy moves in humans.

What are male and female energy patterns?

Energy has patterns of movement and we can call one pattern male and the other female. The male pattern of movement is assertive; starts the action. In humans it is expressed through the mind, as a need to understand, analyze, find limits, make plans and act. At its best, male energy loves to give, protect, and provide comfort and security in physical reality. All human beings have a masculine aspect, sometimes called the inner masculine.

Likewise, each individual has an inner woman. This energy pattern is receptive and receptive: an open space with defined boundaries. However, the open space is dark and mysterious. The feminine is comfortable with the unknown. From this mystery springs creativity and intuition. It is the uterus, which nourishes and nurtures. Feminine energy expresses itself through the heart, through the senses, using your creativity to give birth to an outer space that is welcoming, nurturing, and sensual.

Ideally, each individual would have healthy and mature male and female aspects working together as equal partners. However, this is rarely the case. As humans experience the slings and arrows of life, their inner males and / or females are injured and their development stops. So a wounded warrior is a woman who expresses predominantly masculine energy because her feminine aspect is wounded and dysfunctional.

How did you become a warrior?

There are several possibilities. You may have grown up feeling that your father did not provide the necessary security and protection. Perhaps your father was emotionally or physically absent. Or maybe you had a father who expressed primarily female energy, not modeling a mature male archetype. You may have been inspired by your mother or another influential woman who was a warrior. You may feel betrayed or abandoned by one or both of her parents. You may feel that you need to play the role of the man and be the provider and protector of the family. You may have decided that you needed to develop warrior qualities to survive in the business world.

Whatever the reason, you put on the armor and fight. You fight for yourself, your family, your work, recognition and validation. He also accumulates wounds, battle scars, and conquests. His ego is overloaded and his soul cries out for retirement.

How does the ego work?

your ego plays a very important role when you are in a physical body, on this planet. Your ego’s job is to protect you. Moment by moment, your ego scans your database, stored in the DNA of your cells, looking for memories (conscious or subconscious) that are similar to the situation you are currently in. If the ego finds any memory similar to the current situation that resulted in you being hurt, it will try to protect you from being hurt again.

It can provoke thoughts of fear and doubt. It may initiate distracting thoughts, beliefs, or memories from participating in the situation. Sometimes it will create obstacles that prevent you from participating, such as time constraints, financial setbacks, and even illness. He will do anything to protect you.

These defenses keep you limited to reacting the same way you always have. And guess what? If you react in the same way, you will get the same results. No new experiences can come from this. You cannot grow from this. You are married to equality.

How does the soul use the law of attraction?

The reason you run into hurtful situations is because of the hurtful energy that is stored within your DNA. Your soul is always seeking to restore you to health and joy. Try to release hidden and repressed energy. Use the Law of Attraction (similar attracts similar) to magnetize people and situations that will trigger the opportunity for liberation.

That is why, as a wounded warrior, you attract wounded men. They activate you and give you the opportunity to cleanse and release this stored energy. YOU CAN cleanse the harmful energy in the DNA. And when it does, it starts moving through your life without damaging cellular memory. The work of your ego is much easier because there is no harmful energy to release; you are no longer drawing harmful situations. When you move into a new situation and your ego searches for hurtful memories, it cannot find any. Then your ego allows you to move into new experiences without limitations.

How does the warrior transform into the goddess?

It is a four-step process:

1. Sacred union of the inner man and the inner woman

2. Sacred Union of the Ego and the Spirit

3. Give birth to the divine human being

4. Relations of sacred union

How to recognize a goddess

The Goddess enjoys and expresses her femininity with courage. Find it easier to work and play with men and women than ever. You have let go of your repressed feelings of betrayal and abandonment and radiate the energy of trust. Then others open up, tear down her walls and she brings out trustworthiness and integrity in them.

Treat others with understanding and kindness. However, he is insightful and knows how to draw boundaries when appropriate. She speaks the truth, from the heart, with respect, honoring the feelings of others.

There are many aspects of the Goddess. She can be like Isis, expressing the aspect of the Creative Mother. She can express Aphrodite; the loving, sensual and sexual playmate aspect. She can express Kahli, the destroyer of what is no longer useful. She can express a Warrior Goddess, the protector who knows how to draw and protect boundaries. The difference is that now that you are healthy and whole, you can invoke any aspect of the Goddess that best serves you at any time. He is no longer limited to just playing the role of the wounded warrior.

She radiates the Sacred Union energy within herself and that magnetizes a Sacred Union partner to her in the physical world.

By admin

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