Fri. May 17th, 2024

Your key to change: acceptance of your current reality and focus on your desired reality

By admin Nov9,2021

When it comes to building a life of wholeness, abundance, health, and other states of good feeling, the first thing you really want to do is accept your current reality as it is RIGHT NOW, while working toward a more preferred reality. It is totally useless to “want” something different than what you have now, if you cannot accept that you “have what you have” right now. Universal laws just don’t allow it.

Universal laws (such as the law of attraction) and our neurology are based on inclusion. That means this:

  • when you are thinking about something you want, you include it in your “reality”;
  • when you are thinking about something you do NOT want, you include it in your “reality”.

In the Abrahamic Law of Attraction material, where much of my own material comes from, it explains something like this: Life is like a stick. A stick has two ends and they are on opposite sides. Let’s call the opposites “positive” and “negative.” The stick is the metaphor for ANY situation in life. Whichever stick you pick up, you will ALWAYS pick up both ends, positive and negative. Nothing is just good or bad. Are both; and anywhere in between.

That is the meaning of a universe based on inclusion. However, to put it another way when it comes to “negative” experiences: “you can’t think about what you don’t want to think without thinking about it.”

Many people make a big mistake when it comes to setting goals and having a strategic vision. They sincerely want to create a better future, which in itself is a great thing. Often, however, their reason for wanting that better future is: I don’t like my current reality! A couple of examples:

  • I want more money because I don’t have.
  • I want better health because I am sick.
  • I want a better job, because I hate this one.
  • I want a better relationship, because this is not a good one.
  • I want to live somewhere else, because this place is horrible.

Trying to create a better future with what you do NOT like, as the controller can work for a while; can definitely get you going. If you KEEP focusing on the negative situation that made you want to change, then you will have a hard time doing it. You are focusing on the wrong end of the stick!

For example: persistent focus on how horrible your job is will make it really hard to find a better one.

The bottom line is this: you want to accept reality as it is (yes, you have a job that you don’t like right now; that’s how it is) while you wait and focus on the NEW reality that is on the way. Most of your thoughts, actions and written and spoken words should be oriented towards the new desired reality. That’s the other end of the stick.

Accepting your current reality is not always easy. PURPOSE: it can be done. A good question to ask yourself is: “Can I, HERE AND NOW, change the situation for the better?” If not, it’s time to stop giving your brain “air time”. Start focusing on the solution and divert your thoughts from what is not working. Meditation, or distraction from what’s bothering you, can also be good ways to accept current reality and not resist.

There are also many ways to achieve a change of direction. Literally changing your language is one of them. Stop talking more about what you don’t want and start talking about what you do want. Literally. More attention to the wanted; without attention to the unwanted. I will discuss this in a later article.

Another method is to create what is called a “memory of the future.” Since we have clear memories of past events, we can also create clear “memories” of future events! If you can form as clear a mental picture of your desired future as you can remember of a great vacation you had, you have a good chance of manifesting that future. How does it feel, taste, smell, sound, etc. this future memory? Be specific. How this actually works is the subject of another article. Work with me accepting the possibility that this is the case. Your goals will form the lampposts along the way from where you are now to where you would like to be.

The third method is to have two “impossible possibilities” (I read about that in a great book some time ago).

The first impossible possibility is having a goal that is so ridiculously big that other people think it will be impossible to achieve. To achieve BIG, you have to dream BIG. Otherwise your ceiling will be too low. By raising the ceiling, your reality will begin to change for the better. Have to.

The other impossible possibility is to have an impossible number of possible goals. Keep adding to your list will increase the chances of achieving them. It’s like the endless wish list – you put on a new one when you scratch another! This will also greatly enhance your reality. More and more seemingly impossible goals will appear and materialize. Law of Attraction in action!

Sometimes you just don’t have control over the situations that come your way. “Things” happen. What you do have control over is your attitude towards “things.” You can see that reality as negative and let it drain your life, or you can copy it on your chin and keep creating better things thanks to it. Both options are valid and both will be “true”. However, the second will be more effective and respectful. Acceptance is the beginning of change for the better.

YOU decide which end of the stick you can put the most attention, energy and focus on. The dominance of your attention, energy, and focus will dictate the dominance of your results. This is the case neurologically (Reticular Activation System) and universally (Law of Attraction).

Obviously, there are processes to facilitate this mindset shift. I hope I can share them with you.

By admin

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