Sun. May 5th, 2024

Youth, not aging

By admin Aug12,2021

It is not a new concept that “you are as young as you feel”. This is great news, unless of course you’re feeling old.

As we wake up to live today, we must let go of outdated and outdated beliefs. The symptoms that we attribute to old age are: slowing down, feeling of aches and pains, poor eyesight and hearing, forgetting important information, getting sick, etc. These are all the same toxicity symptoms. Simply put, when we don’t release toxicity, we age.

So what do you think? Do you want to be young or old? You have a choice. The sooner you activate your option to rejuvenate, the sooner you can feel healthy, young and wise.

“I am young, I am joy,

I am a little bird that has escaped from the egg. “

– James Matthew Barrie

I have chosen the above quote for its delicious meaning of youth. A chick or bird works hard to hatch from its egg. The mother bird can help a bit, but it is the determination of the baby that breaks the calcification of the eggshell.

Breaking your shell

What is the calcification in your eggshell? Is it anger or jealousy? Is it a memory of the past or fear of the future? Is it competition, separation or worship of money?

Knowing what you have to go through is important for your evolution. However, it is not necessary to dwell on it or analyze it until exhaustion. Just acknowledge the advancement problem in a word or two and then … move on.

The chick needs to recognize the “shell” or the “calcium”, even using its nutrition. He does not blame his mother or God for putting the shell there nor is he angry that the shell did not break before. The girl just knows, now is the time! And it is born.

Thoughts create reality

What great power it is to know that thoughts create reality! If you can’t accept that this is true, assume for a moment that it is. If your thoughts create your reality and you are not satisfied with your present reality, all you need to do is change your thoughts. The level of consciousness with which you put your thoughts into the universe determines the speed with which the new reality manifests.

So if you have an unsustainable relationship with your boss and you accept this condition as true and affirm it in your internal dialogue, you continue the relationship as it is. However, if you consider that the uncomfortable aspects of the relationship are temporary and can be changed, you take the first step to change the relationship. It is not simply a positive thought (although it is a good start). The change must go deeper than just “thinking.” You must believe it, deep in your heart. Know that it is possible. You must also feel the idea. The passion for change ignites the vision that puts the new reality within your reach.

You may not be so excited about the change. That’s okay too, because you can just relax and let your reality change. Letting go of the belief that you must control the outcome is an important part of the change process. If your thoughts are positive, optimistic and joyful, the changes will take place in those directions.

And in case everything I’m saying is wrong, consider how much more satisfying your relationship with your boss will be if you have positive thoughts and compassionate feelings and see both of them as capable of change.

Youth activities

Touch. Play what you love to play. If your “game” is competitive or intense, find a game of leisure to balance the intensity.

Laugh. Laugh at something. Or just laugh. Laughter brings oxygen to your body and exercises the internal and facial muscles.

Play with the children. I recently visited a friend who is a retired kindergarten teacher. At 66, she looks 46 and has the spirit of a 22-year-old.

Check your self talk about age. Listen to yourself. For example, do you say …… “Oh God, I really feel old today.” Now, “Well, what can you expect after age 40?” Now, “I’m too old to …” Stop, stop, stop! These and many other beliefs and expressions are responsible for the aging that you observe and accept as inevitable. These false beliefs become real only because many people believe them.

Hear guided views. Many are on the market. You may want to especially focus on health and wellness and vitality or other attributes that we associate with youth. We even have some online for you to listen to with my healing voice.

Look at yourself as a child. Find a happy image of yourself at a young age, say 3-6 years old. Look at this image often. While you may not want to be three, or even eight, again, you do want the feelings of wonder and joy of a child. At maturity, you can claim these. If you want, you can take a look at me at 3 years old.

Beware. Take the self-care measures that you think support your health and well-being. Do this for one reason only: self-love!

Affirmations for youth. Here are several affirmations that you can use every day. They are especially useful on your birthday.

Every day I get younger and wiser.

I love life.

I am beautiful. I feel beautiful

I am healthy and strong.

I have all the time I need to do everything I love.

I claim my birthright to be healthy, happy and free!

You can find or develop other affirmations that help you be young, healthy, and positive.

By admin

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