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Quad Maintenance – ATV Maintenance – Buggy Maintenance – Mini Moto Maintenance

By admin Jul10,2021

How to maintain your quad – ATV – Buggy – Minimoto

Maintaining your Quad – ATV – Buggy – Minimoto between manufacturers’ service hours is very important and should come naturally to the owner of the machine. If you own a kids quad, it is always good practice to show your child some Howgeneral maintenance. By this we are not referring to how to remove a spark plug from a quad bike or refill the oil on a mini bike, but rather the control parts are tight and will not get lost or broken.

Instructions – Maintenance of a quad – Minimoto – ATV – Buggy

One of the first pieces of advice we always tell people is to make sure they wear protective clothing when they are conducting periodic inspections or maintenance. Some of the lubricating oils and fatty compounds can be irritating, so making sure you have good protection on your hands is always a must. There are manufacturers of latex gloves that are supplied directly from the Internet and can be purchased in individual boxes or in multiple units. These taken together, including delivery at today’s prices (check item date) shouldn’t cost you more than £ 11 or £ 12 per box. Box sizes vary, but an average box contains between 250 and 300 pairs, depending on the manufacturer and size of the glove.

Due to the ferocity, some Quad Bikes – ATV’s – Buggies – Minimoto’s can be placed underneath, it is always good practice to do an inspection before taking the machine out of the garage or storage area. Some machines that look like replicas of larger machines do not have the quality of suspension that the large versions have. In addition to this, some of the moving parts of smaller machines are obviously under considerable stress in short bursts, leading to a change in temperature that will eventually cause possible weakness of the materials. Most 50cc kids quads lack a rear suspension unit and this also includes kids mini motorcycles, kids ATVs etc. It is not only about 50cc kids quads, but it can also be seen on 90cc quads and 110cc quads.

The parts that are recommended for periodic inspection are practically the external moving parts and this may be a particular task or format to follow before removing the machine, possibly once a week or fortnight. Another good reason to make sure these regular inspections are carried out is that it is your responsibility to your children to ensure that even though they are wearing safety clothing, the machine is up to the task, ensuring that the possibility of failure is minimal. .

Most, if not all, children’s quads have areas where things can be done to decrease the risk of failure, these are as follows:

Quad periodic maintenance

Always be sure to degrease the chain and sprocket regularly and use quality silicone spray wax or oil to keep the chain up to par. These items can be purchased at any quad parts store, motorcycle dealer, or bike shop. Never use new or old motor oils as they are not for exterior use and can be harmful to wildlife.

Make sure all wheel nuts are checked for tightness. You can use a tension bar, but before you do, check your user manual to find the tension settings beforehand. Too tight a wheel nut can be just as dangerous as losing one. When removing wheels for any reason, it is good practice to ensure that copper grease is used when replacing the wheel nuts. This will keep both the stud and nut in good shape.

Depending on the size of your quad or atv, it will determine if your machine has disc or drum brakes. If you have drum brakes, it is always good practice to re-ensure that all external parts are free of rust or dirt; Once clean, you can spray them with a small amount of silicone oil to keep them moving well. If your Quad has disc brakes, always check that the parts are free of dirt or stones that can prevent improper operation or total failure. DO NOT SPRAY THE BRAKE DISCS OR PADS with any oil or silicone based product as this may cause changes in stopping distance.

Braking systems and joints.

Most of the cables for the brake and throttle connections are very much like those on Quad Bikes ATVs, Minimotos or Buggies – check that they are not trapped or damaged in any way and if there is no smooth operation with either cable, you can use a normal 3-in-1 bike. Oils to keep them lubricated. Some small Quad bikes have both brake levers on the handlebar, while others may have one handbrake on the handlebar and the other as a foot brake on the right side of the machine.

Electric start – Kick Starts.

If your Mini Quad Bike / ATV / Buggy or Minimoto has an electric start, then it is standard practice to ensure the battery is checked regularly for damage, leaks, or just tightening the terminal connections. A standard copper grease can be used on the battery connections and prolongs the life of the terminals.

Fuel hose – Fuel pipe.

No matter what it is, this is again one of the more regular inspections in case your Quad Bike has them. Some quad bikes for kids are battery-powered so they don’t have fuel lines, but those that do need to be checked at regular intervals for wear, splitting, or cracks. Some of the kids ‘bikes, kids’ ATVs, kids ‘buggies, and inexpensive kids’ mini bikes may use materials that, on first inspection, look just as good as those used on an adult bike or a motorcycle. ATV, but they will probably be a very inferior product.

Plastic panels – Mountain supports.

Plastic panels bump and bang most of the time. To avoid the chances of your child being involved in a minor accident, it is always good to check the maintenance brackets and bolts that hold the panels. Even though most panels are flexible, when bump or bang it may look good on the face, but underneath the bolt system it may be running loose.

Handlebar Bars.

The handlebar studs are very strong and stiff, but again they need to be checked frequently. Although they look like a part that doesn’t need much adjustment, they can always come off and fall off. This can drastically affect not only performance, but also the rider and how they control the machine.


Always be aware of the maintenance of your machine, as it is something that will prolong life, safety and pleasure while driving. For more information and to receive our monthly updates on buying a quad, quad safety tips, selling a quad, and much more, visit the website at the end of this article and subscribe to the monthly newsletter.

By admin

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