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Spices you may not want to use with picky eaters

By admin Jul3,2021

What is nutmeg?

Nutmeg is one of two spices that grows on an evergreen tree with the scientific classification Myristica fragrans, also known as common nutmeg. It is native to the islands near Indonesia, but is now a spice in worldwide use. These trees produce nutmeg, which is the tree’s seed, as well as mace, a less common spice derived from the dried reddish husk of the seed. This is the only tree that is the source of two different spices in the world. It is commonly cultivated in the Caribbean, other tropical areas of the world, and also in southern India in the state of Kerala.

Nutmeg is a delicate, slightly sweet spice that is widely used in cuisines around the world, including Asian and Western recipes. The tree is also highly valued due to the essential oils that are derived from the tree and the leaves, and nutmeg butter is also a popular derived food that has a healthy effect. The essential oils in nutmeg extract are very beneficial for health and are frequently used in herbal and alternative medicine.

Nutmeg Nutrition Facts

While nutmeg is just a spice that is used sparingly in dishes, it can still affect your health in a number of ways, mainly due to its nutritious content of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds related to essential oils. These beneficial components include dietary fiber, manganese, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, copper, and macelignan. The many health benefits of nutmeg are explained in more detail below.

Health benefits of nutmeg

The health benefits of nutmeg include:

Pain relief

One of the components of nutmeg is a compound similar to menthol, which has natural characteristics to relieve pain. Therefore, by adding nutmeg as a spice in your cooking, you can reduce the pain associated with wounds, injuries, strains, and chronic inflammation from conditions such as arthritis.

Promotes digestive health

When you grind nutmeg into powder, it retains its fiber content, which can stimulate the digestive process by promoting peristaltic movement in the smooth muscles of the intestine. In addition, it induces the secretion of various gastric and intestinal juices that facilitate the digestive process. Since fiber can increase the volume of bowel movements, it reduces the frequency and discomfort of constipation and other intestinal problems.

Brain health

One of the lesser known benefits of adding nutmeg in any variety to your diet is the various components of its essential oil, called myristicin and macelignan. These compounds have been shown to reduce the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive function that commonly affects people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown that myristicin and macelignan slow down these effects and keep the brain functioning at a normal and healthy level.

Detoxifies the body

Nutmeg acts as a tonic in many different ways and therefore improves the overall health of your body. More specifically, in terms of the liver and kidney, where many of the toxins are stored and accumulated from the body, nutmeg can help eliminate them. It literally cleanses those organs of all the toxins that may be stored there, such as alcohol, drugs, pollution, food, or natural organic toxins. Additionally, the active ingredients in nutmeg help dissolve kidney stones and increase the overall function and efficiency of the kidney and liver.

Oral health

In traditional medical applications, nutmeg was considered the king of spices when it came to oral health. The active antibacterial components of nutmeg mean that it helps fight diseases like halitosis, also known as bad breath. It kills the bacteria that cause this embarrassing condition and generally boosts the immunity of the gums and teeth. This is why nutmeg and its extracts are commonly found in toothpastes and mouthwashes, particularly in organic or herbal varieties.

Treats for insomnia

For generations, nutmeg has been recommended as a home remedy for insomnia and insomnia. A pinch of nutmeg in warm milk always seemed to work. Nutmeg is high in magnesium, an essential mineral in the body that reduces nervous tension, and even stimulates the release of serotonin which creates a feeling of relaxation or sedation. This serotonin is converted to melatonin in the brain, which is a sleep inducer, relieving people of their insomnia problems and restlessness at night. Nutmeg also has trace elements of narcotics, which do not have any dramatic effect unless ingested in massive amounts. However, the small amount can help you release various neurotransmitters which in turn help induce relaxation and sleep.

Treat leukemia

Another of the lesser known qualities of nutmeg is its potential use against cancer cells. Studies have shown that a certain methanolic compound in nutmeg and its essential oil can induce cell death (apoptosis) in leukemic cells, thereby stopping the spread and metastasis of this terrible variety of cancer that commonly affects children.

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