Thu. May 2nd, 2024

What is the true meaning of life?

By admin May11,2022

Breaking life down into its most basic physical components, the meaning of life is merely survival and reproduction. From a purely evolutionary perspective that’s all there is. It leaves us, however, meaningless.

For thousands of years, humans have been wondering if there is more to life than mere existence. Many do good, help others, donate to charities, participate in community needs, and love others in an effort to fill a void in their souls: to make life meaningful. However, many struggle to maintain this level of goodness for a long period of time without becoming disillusioned and stuck in a sense of futility.

The question remains, is there a meaning to life?

Everyone searches for the meaning of life. The different means by which we do this are fascinating and, on analysis, generally disappointing.


To leave a legacy…

For some, their goal in life is to be remembered. Death robs most of us of our influence and power to shape the future. Most people won’t even rate a word or two in the history books. But a few have been able to leave such a legacy that their lives continue to impact future generations. For some, however, leaving a legacy is the meaning of life. How disappointing for most who never do.

To simply enjoy life to the fullest…

This particular search for the meaning of life is the result of a humanistic theology that life on this planet is all there is. The advent of evolution and humanism teaches us to eat, drink and be happy, because tomorrow we will die. This philosophy ignores the consequences of actions and the impact of those actions on others.

Live a life of sacrifice and service to others…

There is something very noble in a person who gives his life for others. But no matter how noble and great it is, it often leaves a person empty and exhausted. I think the reason for this is that helping and living for others should be a byproduct of the meaning of life, not the essence. Without a fuel source, a car will run out of gas. Meaningless to one’s life, his efforts on behalf of others will become empty.

To be Successful and Powerful…

Success and power are relative terms. They can mean many things to many people. Our own ideas of success and power often become a drug of choice. We seek influence, fame, or success as a means of giving ourselves purpose and verifying our own importance in the eyes of others. Once again, contributions to society should not be the meaning of life but the by-product of it.

Assume and fight for a cause…

History teaches us that many people find value in life by taking up a cause. There are so many causes to fight for that you can literally choose. The need to live for something greater than ourselves is ingrained in us. This search has left many people disillusioned and empty.


Ultimately, the meaning of life is not found in who we are or what we do. Rather, those things only make sense as a result or by-product of a meaningful life.

The meaning of life is found only in our relationships.-specifically, in our relationship with God and secondarily in our relationships with ourselves. When relationships are meaningful, then success, power, influence, a cause, life, death, a legacy, and sacrifice for others become meaningful and purposeful.

God created us to have fellowship with Him. Beginning with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and continuing to this day, the purpose of life is found only in the strengths of our relationship with God and those around us.

The Apostles were great men who accomplished great things. But his achievements were not the result of a search for the meaning of life, but the result of a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. The New Testament reading reinforces this.

novels 1:1– Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God,

Many of the biblical epistles begin this way. It was the relationship that made the service meaningful. What is important about the title ‘Daddy’ or ‘Mommy’? Is it power to give orders to a child? Is it the power of life or death that you have over a child? No, it’s the relationship! It is the relationship between child and parent that makes the position significant.

What makes the role of a husband important? Does the Bible command his wife to submit to him? Of course, no! It is the relationship and the strength of that relationship with his wife that makes the role of husband significant and important.

God wants to be more than just your God, He wants to be your Father and your friend!

2 Corinthians 6:18– And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, know the Lord Almighty.

John 15:15 – From now on I will not call you servants; because the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends…

It is for the relationship that God created you! To walk with him! To fellowship with Him! The whole meaning of life is wrapped up in the solidity of your relationships. Build those relationships. Add new relationships to your life. Within those relationships, everything else, every other endeavor, finds meaning and purpose.

By admin

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