Wed. May 1st, 2024

Why You Keep Getting A Yeast Infection After Sex

By admin Jul6,2023

If you want to know why you keep getting a yeast infection after having sex, then you’ve come to the right place. All over the world, people find that they still get a yeast infection after sex. The reason is sex itself. Find out why this happens and how to remedy it here.

Although sex itself is not a cause of yeast infections, it can help the infection to be transferred from one infected partner to the other. The sexual organs provide a great environment for the fungus Candida albicans, which is the main cause of a yeast infection. Not only that, the infection can be repeatedly transferred back and forth between you, causing recurring yeast infections that can become progressively more difficult to clear.

Candida fungi exist naturally in our bodies without causing problems under normal conditions. The ‘good’ bacteria in your body keep them at levels we can live with. Under certain conditions, however, your good bacteria can be depleted and the fungus overgrows, causing your yeast infections.

It’s hard enough to get rid of a yeast infection without adding to your problems by having sex with one of you who is infected. The sexual organs, particularly the vagina, provide the ideal conditions (warm, moist, dark) for the fungus to multiply. And close physical contact can transfer the infection. This is why you keep getting a yeast infection after sex.

The best solution for you and your partner to have a good chance of being cured is to STOP HAVING SEX UNTIL THE INFECTION HAS BEEN COMPLETELY ELIMINATED. And using a condom isn’t so good either because some spermicides can ‘encourage’ the fungus. That being the case, your cure better be quick, right? So let’s see your options…

Conventional treatments such as topical creams, lotions, and pessaries can work quite well. Except they are medication based and tend to address the symptoms rather than the cause of the yeast infection. And the Candida fungus can become resistant to drugs. The result in many cases is recurrent fungal infections.

This is why so many patients like you around the world, totally frustrated with yeast infections after sex, are turning to natural remedies without the side effects and negative aspects of expensive drug-based treatments.

But there are so many natural home remedies for yeast infections that you will need to do your own research and find a remedy or set of remedies that might work for you.

But remember that your goal is to get rid of the yeast infection as quickly as possible, as well as prevent it from coming back, so that you can resume sexual intercourse as quickly as possible, right?

By admin

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